Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Do you remember? I don't.

Do you remember the days of sitting outside of the post office with a Labatt's Max Ice tucked in your coat sleeve? Having a blast with your friends before you took your six pack purchased by your older sibling or cousin over to the park where you could continue to drink in public? Drinking until you got sick and ultimately yakked all over your best friends shoes? Remember what it was like to discover beer at an early age because you were really mature for your age?

Well, I don't. Maybe some of those things were just what it was like growing up in a really small town. I never understood the idea of drinking in public; on the steps of a Government building; in a public park on Church Road. It seemed there were more places to run when the cops came or too many people for all underage drinkers to be escorted home by a police officer. I guess I just never thought that was responsible and just seemed plain stupid to me. It also seemed stupid to me that I got in more trouble with cops and security guards from skateboarding than my friends did drinking on the steps of the post office. Small towns. I'll never understand.

Skateboarding wherever we could find a ledge, loading dock, hand-rail, staircase, hill, smooth pavement, etc. We weren't doing anything illegal, so we didn't run when the cops came.

The humble beginnings of rebellion.


  1. Well you could have been like me and got in trouble for both!

  2. To be honest, I never had money for it. Whatever I cash I could come up with I spent on skateboards, drums, and fast food. I was super cheap and the pennies I saved just kept going in the bank.
